
Learn More About Payo Awards


Payo Awards is awarded under the company called Mgomapayo Group this company deals with human products like Water Soap, Bar Soap, and Powdered Milk all products under the Company trademark of Payo Products.

Recently Mgomapayo Group come up with the Ndondo Cup was which successfully, and the Ndondo Cup involves 30 teams that fight to get one coaster-type car with a cash amount of 2 million Tanzania shillings.

And at the top of the Ndondo cup finals was attended by an official guest the councilor Mh. Seif Choomoka witnessed the Kihonda Fc team taking the Ndondo Cup championship.

After the end of the Ndondo Cup, Mgomapayo Group comes with this new one as a process of continuing to develop the talents of Tanzanians and also to give them value in their jobs.

And Mgomapayo Group comes with the PAYO AWARDS SEASON ONE, which is an award that contained 30 categories that participants can register and compete for it.

Good about this award is not like others that judge he gives you a score to win in your category, No this award is about you and your people voting for you on the official website of payo awards, and that website is called https://payoawards.com/voting.

How to Register in Payo Awards Season One

The first thing you should know is that to be confirmed to participate in Payo Awards you should pay Tanzania Shilling 5,000 but before paying this registration fee you should register through the website https://payoawards.com/registration

You fill out the registration form by writing your name, Email, Phone number, and category that you want to be nominated in payo awards season one, and after finishing, click submit.

The registration page will redirect you to the voting page but the good this is that you already registered and your detail is going to admin for review and approval for you to participate in the Payo Awards.

So your details will be pending and you should also pay the registration fee so the admin will activate your details if you check you pay that fee. To know ways of fee payment check below.


When Does the Voting Season Open?

In this season one of the Payo Awards – 2023, voting season will be opened on 11 January 2023 and will be active for the whole month of January Participants will be voted on the website. and after the voting exercise is closed, there will be an exercise to award prizes to the winners of each category.

The beauty of being voted for is that you can be voted for more than once throughout the entire voting period. Here, Payo awards have been very successful because they have set that a participant can be voted for every five hours, that is, if you vote for a participant right now, you wait five hours, and then you can vote for them. again vote participant

How Will you Benefit From Payo Awards if you Participate

Every participant wants to know how he can get benefits through the thing he participates in and if you consider that in pay awards the participants pay money to register, this means that they believe there must be benefits for the winner.

Yes, when you participate in these Awards you can get the advantage of some things

  1. Trophy

The trophy will help you keep your reminder that you once participated in a certain award and won, so it became a springboard for your generation and even your superiors in advising them to fight to reach their goals and not to give up.

  1. Certificate

But also every winner will be given a certificate of victory, which will help him in his Curriculum vitae (CV), that is, even if you go to apply for a job in a certain place and put it like you are brave and have ever won, this will add something to you and give you the ease of getting that job

  1. Money

Each participant will be given an amount of money as a booster and to give him a boost to fight more to earn more money through his talent or his blessed skills

That is advantages advantage when a participant will participate in the Payo awards and another is the branding of yourself and also having a connection to meet with different people on the event day.

The Mgomapayo group company, which is the founder of these awards, has promised that they will be held every year and will have a different type of creativity for each season, so this first opening season has been strong, but in the second season, people should expect something bigger.

Where Will the Award Ceremony Take Place?

The award ceremony will be held in the Morogoro region, the hall is called Cheif Kingalu, which is the hall of the Morogoro district council in the city.

and it is expected that the head of Morogoro district Albert Msando will be the official guest at the award ceremony on that day which will be accompanied by various entertainment.

because these events involve students and non-students, all are allowed to arrive on the day of the event and it is expected that there will be an entrance on the day of the event.

and for all the participants who come from outside the region of Morogoro and have difficulty in the category, each participant will receive a trophy accompanied by a certificate and the full amount of money.

so if you need to be one of the participants of pay awards, register now and build history in your life, because at Payo Awards we believe that every young person can and knows that winning is luck, try your luck now and even if you fail, believe that one day you will succeed in winning so come the season try again to participate, success does not come overnight.

for comments and advice on how to improve these payo awards, you can contact them by sending an email to [email protected] and giving your advice on what should be added or where to improve to ensure that the goals of raising and developing talents are fully realized.

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