Bible History

Three Important Jewish Holidays


The Jews have two main calendars;

  • Religious Calendar
  • Government calendar.

According to the religious calendar, the Jews are commanded to celebrate three major holidays per year, although other religious holidays are ordered. These three feasts are sometimes called “the Lord’s feasts” Today all over the world we celebrate one of their feasts because that feast concerns us because we have been bought with the precious blood of the lamb, that feast is “Easter”.

The main goal of this message is to inform you of three important holidays for the Jews, which started in the old covenant but continue also in the new covenant and one of them concerns you a lot.

“Three times every year you will keep a feast for me. You shall keep the feast of unleavened bread [Passover]; you will eat unleavened bread for seven days as I ordered you, at the appointed time, in the month of Abibu (for it is the month that came out of Egypt);

and no one will appear before me with empty hands; again, the feast of the harvest [Pentecost], the first fruits of your labors in the fields; again, the gathering festival [Vibandas], at the end of the year, when you will gather what you have gathered in the field. 17 Three times in the year all your husbands will attend before the Lord GOD.” Exodus 23:14-17

According to the Word, we see all three feasts mentioned. But look carefully at verse seventeen and you will find that the Jews were supposed to gather together for those feasts.

And that is what exists until now, the Jews respect the holidays commanded by the Lord, and that is why the period of their holidays forces them to travel and return to their homes just for the holidays. You can see this when you look at the scattered Jews today, the period of many of their holidays forces them to return to their homes. According to the Word, those holidays are;

  • Easter.
  • Pentecost
  • Feast of Tabernacles.

The feast of Easter and the feast of Tabernacles are canceled and each minor feast except the feast of Pentecost does not have a minor feast. How?

01. Easter. (the month of Abibu according to today’s calendar is March-April)

The word “Passover” in Hebrew is “Pehsakh” or “Passover” which means “redemption made through the blood of the lamb painted on the doorposts of the houses of the Israelites, the Lord passed over without harming them with any blow, (passing over)”(Exodus 12:13).

It was a liberation for the Israelites to be released from slavery in Egypt, the Lord said this day will be a memorial for you, “and you shall make it a festival” in all your generations for an eternal command – Exodus 12:14. This feast is followed by the feast of “unleavened bread and firstfruits”

these two holidays that follow are called small holidays that go before or are followed by the Easter holiday.

The importance of this holiday is to remember how the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt – Exodus 12:14

02. Pentecost (Month Sivan, same as June)

The word “Pentecost” came fifty days after Easter, and this is the unique holiday between the two where this holiday has no connection with other small holidays (Like Easter and the Feast of Tabernacles).

The great importance of this holiday is to remind the Jews about God when he came down and his terror on Mount Sinai when Moses was given the law, especially in Exodus 19:15-16. In the old covenant this holiday was known by names such as;

Feast of Weeks (Deuteronomy 16:9-10)
Harvest Festival (Exodus 23:16)
Feast of the Firstborn (Numbers 28:16)

03. Festival of booths (Ethanim month, same as September-October month)

It should be remembered that when the Israelites came out of slavery in Egypt, they walked a lot in the desert for a long time. The Lord “anointed” them, wanting them to humble themselves; and many died in the desert because of their murmurings, the Lord destroyed them. While in the desert they pitched tents (huts).

The Lord asked them to remember the years they spent living in the desert in huts. (Leviticus 23:23-25). The great importance of this holiday is to remind the Jews of the years they lived in the desert. This holiday coincides with the holiday of “Trumpets and the Day of Reconciliation”

Now look here;

In the new covenant, the Lord Jesus himself is our Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7), this being more meaningful than the old covenant because Jesus is the lamb that was slain for you and me.

He Jesus ate the Passover one day before the Jewish Easter, that is, he ate the Passover with his disciples on Thursday (Luke 22:7-23), then the next day, the day of the Passover, He Jesus was crucified with blood coming out because he is the lamb that takes away the sins of the world.

Then on the “feast of the firstborn”, that is on the third day he rose from the dead as the scriptures say. And fifty days later on “Pentecost” Jesus poured out his Spirit on his 120 disciples who were in the temple.

In the same way, the feast of Tabernacles will be fulfilled in the times of the church, this meaning that the church is now in the gathering where Jesus will rapture his church.

If you are blessed with this message, then let me know so we can glorify God together. But it is possible that maybe you need PRAYER because you are also going through this challenge,

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