
Know the Power of Sacrifice – Part 1


God himself is a good giver, showing that giving is his nature because he gave his only son as a sacrifice/sacrifice for us (John 3:16). All this teaches us that he is a good giver. The Bible says “God so loved the world, that he gave” The word “love” is very important in giving your offerings. God has set an example for us, that the whole issue of offerings requires “love in the heart” first so that you can offer the best. Because everything you give must start from your heart, that is, your heart must be involved as God did.

However, there is no greater sacrifice than the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. He became the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29). He is the sacrifice of the new covenant that was paid for all sacrifices and all people because the punishment our peace was upon him (Isaiah 53:5)

In the past, the issue of offerings was within the law by asking people to give the same as the law says. Leviticus 1:1-3

But even so, the law asked the givers of alms or sacrifices to give what was fat, that’s why the same text is written “…he will give a perfect male cow…” Until the Bible put a great emphasis on this kind of thing, God knew his people that they want poor things, seeing this, God ordered them to give pleasant things. The problem of giving to the needy has existed since ancient times and God saw this problem and decided to set a law for them to give. So it is good that we focus on the following areas as part of this teaching.

What is an offering?

The word “sadak” For the Jews, a sacrifice is called “minchah” (in English it is called an offering) this Jewish word gives good meaning to the word sacrifice, even that word has been able to distinguish between a sacrifice and a sacrifice (“zebra” is a sacrifice in the Jewish language, in English The difference explains that sacrifice (minchah), are offerings to the Lord that do not involve blood, whereas sacrifices are offerings to the Lord that involve blood. So; “Sacrifice is something valuable that is given to the Lord GOD without verifying its use.”

  • Sacrifice – the old covenant

“Why sacrifice?” From the beginning, we see that those who went to God did not go empty-handed but carried sacrifices and offered them to God. News of Cain and Abel who presented themselves before God went with their offerings. Although one was accepted, Abel and his brother were not accepted. But that’s not all, the sacrifice is commanded by God to give in front of him. (Exodus 25:2). In the Bible for the first time giving is mentioned in a service held at the home of old man Adam. This is the very first rite of offerings. In this worship, we can learn that;

The offerings had a procedure to prepare and give

Offerings were made directly to God

God can reject the offering, as well as the offerer rejecting him

The giver may be angry in his giving,

Givers differ spiritually (Cain differed from the righteous Prophet)

Even sinners can offer sacrifice to the Lord, but they should turn to God.

Sacrifice carries the life of the person/giver (It can be a gate of blessing or curse)


2. Types of offers;

According to the old testament, where we get a picture of all the things we found in the new testament, there are different types of offerings. There are offerings such as;

  1. Burnt offerings (Leviticus 1:1-7)
  2. Grain offerings (Leviticus 2:1-16)
  3. Fellowship offerings (Leviticus 3:1-17)
  4. Sin offerings (Leviticus 4:1-5)
  5. Trespass offerings (Leviticus 5:14-)

However, other sacrifices today are fruitless because we are no longer under the law. But some sacrifices are important to learn so that you can understand where they came from, and what are their benefits, how can we give them today. In those offerings, I have seen to write the following few;

  1. Firstborn
  2. The usual offering.
  3. The seed.
  4. Tithe/tithe
  5. Nadhil’s offering
  6. A thank offering.
  7. A prophetic offering
  8. Gospel offering
  9. Alms for the needy (Example: widows and orphans)

The sacrifice of the firstborn.

The first fruit of the firstlings is the offering of the first offspring or the first fruits. For example, when you are a herdsman, the first-fruits offering is for the first-born animals first (the first-born of animals)” Do not delay bringing the first fruits of your fruits and your drinks. The firstborn of the sons you will give me.” Exodus 22:29

The offering of the firstborn is very powerful, because if you give it with faith and it is received with faith and then the pastor receives it with prayer, then you can be sure that what the pastor will say will be the same. For example, if the shepherd utters the word of protection and produces more on your firstborn, then it will be so. If you are a worker, then your first fruits fruit offering will be your first salary. your first fruit It is important to offer your first harvest to the Lord so that you can get approval on what continues to produce. An example is this;

There was a mother who was raising chickens with her husband. But the chickens did not have any breeding, and eventually, they all died of diseases. He gathered himself to find the strength to start anew. When he started anew, he gave his first generation of chickens as a first-fruit offering to the church. From that day until today, the mother had the benefit of increases because God was fully involved in the chicken project.

I learned something there, but the donation is very powerful to put protection in the project and make the project not collapse. Aha! Okay, so the word of God is clear and true. There is a secret in the offering of the firstborn, and the devil is always a liar because he knows that secret. Thus he has tried to bind many people so that they do not give their firstborn to the Lord. Do you know that what you get is from the Lord? If so then you have to give your first crop to God to be more successful…

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